(bryanism Repost on: Intuitive Experiences, Context to earlier discussion on Gifts) I remember having to confront a then friend (surgeon) and colleague in energy healing, which I call Bob. In private, Bob had discussed designs in moving into that very same Ann Arbor office to rent a shared/extra space with that chiropractor I spoke of in my most recent Animal Communication Story. The only thing was, unbeknownst to the rest of us, he had another receptionist in mind instead… See more Bryan-Carlton Flournoy We even went to a restaurant, including Jill, to discuss big plans. The nurse, who also attended and literally ran our meeting, was shocked when I revealed by asking her at the table in front of everyone, "Nurse Adams, didn't you get a reading recently to learn what we could all do together...how things would unfold?" She immediately understood, I knew more than I let on, saying, "Yes, I did," explaining her version of what was actually said, leaving out important parts that would attempt to influence our decision making in her favor. I would join the office as health advocate via medical intuition blended with my pharmaceutical knowledge and offer other services based on skills I had been honing. Later on we muscle tested each other with silent questions, and according to Bob, results indicated I had Abraham vibration -- something of the highest order. I thought, "that's nice," but it was apparent Bob, the surgeon, was trying to establish some kind of rank within our group that ended up back firing in my favor, although I wanted no part and felt it made no difference in who has the final say. It did grant me some credibility in calling out true intentions, later on, however. In our discussions, we (The chiropractor, Jill, Bob, and I, but not the nurse) arranged to all meet at the Ann Arbor office to do what I considered odd and ritualistic. We each would come with personal items to exchange as gifts. With that, my guides immediately informed me, "Show up, interact, accept a gift, but bring nothing personal." I thought, "Oh? So that's what's going down. Hmmmpf!" The day came and everyone exchanged. I brought nothing but did accept my gift, which was a trendy, sharp-looking stringed kabalah symbol to wear around the neck from Bob. Later we went into a darkened room to do energy healing on one another and to visualize both clairvoyantly and objectively the manifestation of energy in action. It was all pretty interesting. I and Jill called the energy display, "a poor man's fireworks." Later on, after all had left, only I and the chiropractor remained standing in the parking lot chatting about what had happened, which is when I suddenly volunteered, "Bob, the surgeon, is about to go to the dark side with his energy healing techniques." The chiropractor chuckled in disbelief, saying, "Wha...?" But I chuckled back at him, "Remember? Abraham vibration? Don't doubt me, buddy!" as I drove off. The following week, the chiropractor called me into the office. When I arrived, Jill was at her post, behind at the desk, but looked shakened, explaining that she began hearing voices last week saying she was worthless, no good, and should leave the office to find a new job. She also explained, earlier that day, before I arrived, she asked her boss, the chiropractor, to do energy work right away, which is when she saw a dark sludge ooze from her energy body, reminding me of the movie, "The Grudge (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0433386/)." Although it finally dawned on me, I didn't tell Jill what I was mentally supposing, but did go straight to the chiropractor to explain, "The nurse was meant to replace Jill, solidifyng her position and opportunity in our group practice!" after which he, meaning the chiropractor, sat at his desk with mouth wide-open, remembering what I said a week before in the parking lot about 'someone going to the dark side with their healing technique.' On my own, I confronted Bob, giving him the benefit of the doubt, but warned, "Don't for a second think that everything from you is goodness and light. There was a reason, I did not exchange a gift with you. I re-explained quantum metaphysics and informed that he was not only channeling a higher-power, but also filtering it and that if he wanted to stay on the right path he should think things over. Needless to say, I moved on and entertained no more ideas involving him/Bob.