(bryanism on: Animal Communication) I heard this morning on Mornin' Joe (MSNBC) that Time Magazine continues a Valentine's Day discussion succinctly (in the same vein) with last year's discussion but this time on the question and scientific evidence that animals (at least within the same species) might actually have longterm friendships with one another. Well, I have an animal communication experience in the form of story that resonates with that 'theory,' so I'll repost it, entitled, "Animals miss those who transitioned from the Earth Plane Too" I was at my friends' grand opening for PetMessageTM doing readings as animal communicator in what's now their animal/human labyrinth room. Any how, a young couple (man and woman) walked in with their dog, Jet. But before even touching the dog, I noted and said aloud, "This dog is very, very sad," and the couple shared an affirming glance, a signal for me to continue in that vein. With that, I got down on one knee to face this beautiful senior golden labrador to thoughtfully carress his head and ears, then said, "He hasn't been drinking water either. Have you noticed?" I and the dog looked back up towards the man and woman for acknowledgement. "Yes, that's true. Also, by the way, another older dog of ours just passed, which was a longtime companion to this dog, and we're so concerned about what we can do to help Jet heal." the female said. Suddenly I saw into Jet's memory of summer days with Jet and the now deceased dog patrolling the backyard as a team returning to the same water bowl both drank from for years to refresh themselves. Then in my vision, the deceased dog fades away, and it's only Jet now, patrolling the yard and returning to the water bowl for a drink...this time, alone, sad, turning away still thirsty... I stood straight up to gently admonished, "Well, you haven't changed the water bowl yet! Listen folks, even though animals can see spirit -- yes, even their animal friends who transition from the earth plane they still miss the physical comradary and need time to heal too." The wife nudged her husband saying, "See? I told you that" I concluded, "Give Jet a chance to heal by intentionally switching things up, since it's way too soon to carry on as if nothing happened, as if he wasn't affected. Get Jet a new waterbowl. That'll be a great place to start!"