(bryanism Repost on: Intuitive Experiences At Work -->My Brother's Keeper) At some point I had switch from mantra "Let me use intuition to prevent mistakes on my part" to "Let me use intuition to prevent any mistake, even beyond my involvement." It was around 9:30pm and the pharmacy's closing time was 10:00pm, when a man walked in with a prescription for his wife. I took it and immediately noticed the doctor left off the dosage. Because it was late in the evening, I thought I'd do the man a favor and give the normal adult dose, otherwise his wife would need to wait until tomorrow; and mind you, he explained she definitely needed this medicine now. My guides said, "Not this time. Call the physician," so to be on the safe side I told the husband, I would double check on the dosage. To my surprise it was easier getting a hold of the doctor than I thought, being a pleasant sounding female, who was happy to affirm my original plan and advised the normal adult dosage. I hung up the phone and then proceeded, but as I processed the prescription (via the computer system), my guides said, "You've successfully covered your back. Good job. Now, it's time to have everybody else's back." (continued in comments) Bryan-Carlton Flournoy Noticing it was fifteen minutes until closing time, something still felt wrong. I began nervously chatting away with the husband with a reassuring demeanor, wondering which question to ask, knowing it was health related. Finally I probed a little deeper, "So.., what else is going on with your wife healthwise? Any changes?" The husband informed at the last moment, "Yeah, she was just put on dialysis..." Suddenly the light went on in my mind, meaning this drug was cleared almost exclusively by the kidneys, so the dose would compromise the patient. Without saying a word to the husband, I immediately phoned the physician again with five minutes until closing explaining, "Uh..doctor, the husband just informed me of something new, and ..." The doctor immediately cut me off before I could finish, "Don't tell me -- she's suffering acute renal failure. I completely forgot, so please cut the dose in half,... and pharmacist, thank you so much." With that, I filled the prescription and sent the husband on his way, and while closing down the pharmacy it dawned on me, "The new mantra --- it worked!"